<NOLAYER> | NN 4 IE n/a HTML n/a |
<NOLAYER>...</NOLAYER> | End Tag: Required |
Navigator provides a tag for isolating advisory content that displays in browsers that don't recognize the LAYER element. All content between the start and end tags of the NOLAYER element is not rendered in Navigator 4 but is rendered in other browsers (which ignore the tag but not the content). You can place the NOLAYER element anywhere you want, but be aware that it won't be positioned like the LAYER element is intended to be. There are no attributes for this element. If you attempt to set style sheet rules for the NOLAYER element, they are ignored by browsers such as Internet Explorer. You can, however, wrap the NOLAYER element inside a DIV or SPAN element to associate a style sheet rule with the advisory text. | |
<LAYER BGCOLOR="yellow" SRC="instrux.html" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=300></LAYER> <NOLAYER> You are not seeing some content that requires Netscape Navigator 4 to view. </NOLAYER> |