<ILAYER>NN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a
<ILAYER>...</ILAYER>End Tag: Required

An ILAYER element is an inline version of the Navigator-specific LAYER element. In some respects, the ILAYER element works like the IFRAME element in Internet Explorer, but an ILAYER is automatically regarded as a positionable element in Navigator's object model (e.g., like a block-level element whose CSS position: attribute is set to relative). As a result, many of the attributes are the same as the LAYER element and are named according to the Navigator way of positioning, sizing, and stacking positionable elements. It is unlikely that the LAYER or ILAYER elements will be adopted by the W3C, so you are encouraged to use CSS-Positioning syntax (which works on both browser platforms) instead.

Content for an ILAYER element can be read in from a separate file (with the SRC attribute) or wired into the current document by placing the HTML between the start and end tags. You can include both types of content in the same ILAYER element. Content from the SRC document is rendered first (as its own block-level element), with additional content starting on its own line below the external content's rectangle.

<ILAYER ID="thingy1" SRC="quotes.html" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=90></ILAYER>
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName
ABOVENN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

Names the positionable element that is to be above (in front of) the current ILAYER in the stacking order. This is a different way to set the Z-INDEX attribute that does not rely on an arbitrary numbering system. If you use the ABOVE attribute, do not use the BELOW or Z-INDEX attribute for the same ILAYER element.

<ILAYER ID="thingy4" SRC="quotes.html" ABOVE="thingy3"></ILAYER>
Case-sensitive identifier.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.above

Specifies an image file that is used as a backdrop to the text and other content of the ILAYER element. Unlike normal images that get loaded into browser content, a background image loads in its original size (without scaling) and tiles to fill the available layer space. Smaller images download faster but are obviously repeated more often in the background. Animated GIFs are also allowable but very distracting to the reader. When selecting a background image, be sure it is very muted in comparison to the main content so that the content stands out clearly. Background images, if used at all, should be extremely subtle.

<ILAYER ID="thingy4" SRC="quotes.html" BACKGROUND="blueCrinkle.jpg">
Any valid URL to an image file, including complete and relative URLs.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.background
BELOWNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

Names the positionable element that is to be below (behind) the current ILAYER in the stacking order. This is a different way to set the Z-INDEX attribute that does not rely on an arbitrary numbering system. If you use the BELOW attribute, do not use the ABOVE or Z-INDEX attribute for the same ILAYER element.

<ILAYER ID="thingy4" SRC="quotes.html" BELOW="thingy5"></ILAYER>
Case-sensitive identifier.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.below
BGCOLORNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

Establishes a fill color (behind the text and other content) for the entire layer rectangle. If you combine a BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND, any transparent areas of the background image let the background color show through.

<ILAYER SRC="quotes.html" BGCOLOR="tan"></ILAYER>
A hexadecimal triplet or plain-language color name. A setting of empty is interpreted as "#000000" (black). See Appendix A for acceptable plain-language color names.
Default Varies with operating system.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.bgColor
CLIPNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a
CLIP="[leftPixel, topPixel,] rightPixel, bottomPixel"Optional

A clipping region is a rectangular view to the full ILAYER content. Only content that is within the clipping rectangle can be seen on the page. The default value of the CLIP attribute is determined by the space required to display the content as it naturally flows into the element. Setting the CLIP attribute lets you rein in long content that might flow beyond a fixed rectangle desired for the page design.

<ILAYER SRC="quotes.html" CLIP="50,50"></ILAYER>
CLIP attribute values are pixel measures from the top and left edges of the element as it flows in the document. The order of values is clockwise from the left edge, around the rectangle sides: left, top, right, bottom. If you supply only two values, Navigator assumes the left and top values are zero, meaning that you wish to adjust only the right and bottom edges. Thus, a setting of "50,50" means that the clipping region is 50-pixels square, starting at the top-left corner of the layer's rectangle. If you want the same size view, but starting 10 pixels in from the left, the CLIP attribute setting becomes "10,0,60,50".
Default Naturally flowing viewing area of ILAYER content.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.clip.left

Define the minimum size of the layer as it flows in the document. When you add content to the layer, however, the attribute settings do not restrict the amount of the content that is visible along either axis. For example, if you display an image in an ILAYER that is 120 pixels wide by 90 pixels high, the actual visible size of an ILAYER element whose HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes are set to a smaller size expands to allow the full image to appear. The same happens to text or other content: the viewable region expands to allow all content to appear. To restrict the visible portion of the content, set the CLIP attribute.

Setting the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes to specific sizes is helpful when you are creating a colored or patterned rectangle (via the BGCOLOR or BACKGROUND attributes) to act as an underlying layer beneath some other positioned content. Without content pushing on the edges of the ILAYER, the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes set the clipping region to their sizes.

Positive integer values (optionally quoted) or percentage values (quoted). You can reduce both values to zero to not only hide the element (which you can also do with the VISIBILITY attribute), but prevent the element from occupying any page space.
Default Naturally flowing viewing area of ILAYER content.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.height
IDNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

A unique identifier that distinguishes this element from all the rest in the document. This is the identifier used as values for the ABOVE and BELOW attributes. Scripts also use the ID attribute value as the ILAYER element's name for object references.

<ILAYER ID="oldYeller" BGCOLOR="yellow" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=100></ILAYER>
Case-sensitive identifier.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.layerName.name
LEFT, TOPNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

Define the positioned offset of the left and top edges of the layer relative to the spot in the document where the ILAYER element would normally appear. This precise location relative to the page varies because an ILAYER element is an inline layer, which means that it can start anywhere within normally flowing HTML content. When you set either of these attributes, Navigator preserves the space in the document where the ILAYER element appears, rather than cinch up surrounding content to fill space vacated by the element that has shifted its location. You are therefore likely to set these attributes for an ILAYER only when attempting to accomplish a look tailored to very customized content (perhaps an ILAYER amid inflow images).

Positive integer values (optionally quoted).
Default 0
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.left
SRCNN 4   IE n/a   HTML n/a

To load the content of an external HTML file into an ILAYER element, assign the URL of that file to the SRC attribute. Any HTML content between the ILAYER start and end tags is rendered on the page after the content loaded from the SRC URL. If you omit the SRC attribute, only content between the tags is rendered. Scripts can change the corresponding object property (src) after the document has loaded to dynamically change content within the ILAYER element (without reloading the main document).

<ILAYER SRC="quotes.html"></ILAYER>
A complete or relative URL.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
NN [window.]document.layerName.src