voice-family | NN n/a IE n/a CSS 2 |
  | Inherited: Yes |
For aural style sheets, sets the voice family names the aural browser should try to use for speaking the content. Multiple, comma-delimited values are accepted. This feature is analogous to the font-family setting for visual browsers. | |
CSS Syntax voice-family: voiceFamilyName [, voiceFamilyName [, ...]] | |
Value A voiceFamilyName may be the identifier for a voice type provided by the aural browser or a generic voice name (yet to be determined by the W3C). As with font-family settings, you should specify multiple voice types, starting with the more specific and ending with the most generic for the type of speech you want for the element's content. | |
Initial Value Depends on browser. | |
Applies To All elements. |