pause | NN n/a IE n/a CSS 2 |
  | Inherited: No |
For aural style sheets, a shorthand attribute for setting both pause-after and pause-before attributes in one statement. You may supply one or two values for this attribute. | |
CSS Syntax pause: time | percentage {1,2} | |
Value This attribute accepts one or two values, depending on the values you want to assign to the pause-before and pause-after settings. A single value of the pause attribute is applied to both pause-before and pause-after. When two values are supplied, the first is assigned to pause-before; the second is assigned to pause-after. Values for time are floating-point numbers followed by either the ms (milliseconds) or s (seconds) unit identifier. These settings are therefore absolute durations for pauses. Values for percentage are inversely proportional to the words-per-minute values of the speech-rate attribute setting. Because the speech-rate controls how long it takes for a single word (on average), a pause setting of 100% means that a pause has the same duration as a single word; a setting of 50% would be a pause of one-half the duration of speaking a single word. | |
Initial Value Depends on the browser. | |
Applies To All elements. |