list-style-type | NN 4 IE 4 CSS 1 | ||||||||||||
  | Inherited: Yes | ||||||||||||
Sets the kind of item marker to be displayed with each item. This attribute applies only if list-style-image is none (or not specified). The constant values available for this attribute are divided into two categories. One set is used with UL elements to present a filled disc, an empty circle, or a square (empty on the Macintosh, filled in Windows); the other set is for OL elements, whose list items can be marked in sequences of Arabic numerals, Roman numerals (uppercase or lowercase), or letters of the alphabet (uppercase or lowercase). | |||||||||||||
CSS Syntax list-style-type: listStyleType | |||||||||||||
JavaScript Equivalent listStyleType | |||||||||||||
Value One constant value that is relevant to the type of list container. For UL: circle | disc | square. For OL: decimal | lower-alpha | lower-roman | upper-alpha | upper-roman. OL element sequences are treated as follows:
| |||||||||||||
Initial Value disc (for UL); decimal (for OL). | |||||||||||||
Example UL {list-style-type: circle} LI {list-style-type: upper-roman} | |||||||||||||
Applies To DD, DT, LI, OL, and UL elements and any other element assigned the display:list-item style attribute. | |||||||||||||
Object Model Reference