font-styleNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: Yes

Determines whether the element is rendered in a normal (Roman), italic, or oblique font style. If the font-family includes font faces labeled Italic and/or Oblique, the setting of the font-style attribute summons those particular font faces from the browser's system. But if the specialized font faces are not available in the system, the normal font face is usually algorithmically slanted to look italic. Output sent to a printer with such font settings rely on the quality of arbitration between the client computer and printer to render an electronically generated italic font style. Although personal computer software typically includes other kinds of font rendering under the heading of "Style," see font-variant and font-weight for other kinds of font "styles."

CSS Syntax
font-style: fontStyle
JavaScript Equivalent
Navigator 4 recognizes: normal | italic. Internet Explorer 4 recognizes: normal | italic | oblique but treats both italic and oblique as italic.
Initial Value
H2 EM {font-style: italic}
Applies To
All elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]
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