background-positionNN n/a   IE 4   CSS 2
 Inherited: No

Establishes the location of the left and top edges of the background image specified with the background-image attribute. The behavior of this attribute can be erratic in Internet Explorer 4 for the Macintosh.

CSS Syntax
background-position: [percentage | length] {1,2} | [top |center |bottom] ||[left | center | right]
You can specify one or two percentages, which are the percentage of the block-level element's box width and height (respectively) at which the image (or repeated images) begins. If you supply only one percentage value, it applies to the horizontal measure, and the vertical measure is automatically set to 50%. Instead of percentages, you can specify length values (in the unit of measure that best suits the medium). You can also mix a percentage with a length. In lieu of the numerical values, you can create combinations of values with the two sets of constant values. Select one from each collection, as in top left, top right, or bottom center. Whenever you specify two values, they must be separated by a space.
Initial Value
DIV.marked {background-image: url(watermark.jpg); 
    background-position: center top}
Applies To
Block-level and replaced elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]
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