azimuthNN n/a   IE n/a   CSS 2
 Inherited: Yes

Given a listener at the center of a circular sound space (like in a surround-sound-equipped theater), azimuth sets the horizontal angle of the source of the sound (for example, in a text-to-speech browser). See also the elevation attribute.

CSS Syntax
azimuth: angle | angleConstant || direction
Up to two values. One represents the angle, clockwise from straight ahead; the second is a 20-degree incremental movement to the left or right. An angle value is any value in the range of -360 to +360 (inclusive) plus the letters "deg", as in 90deg. The value 0deg is directly in front of the listener. To set the angle to the left of the listener, the value can be either -90deg or 270deg. Optionally, you can choose an angleConstant value from a large library of descriptions that correspond to fixed points around the circle. If you add the behind modifier, the values shift from in front of the listener to behind the listener.
Value Equals Value Equals
center 0deg center behind 180deg
center-right 20deg center-right behind 160deg
right 40deg right behind 140deg
far-right 60deg far-right behind 120deg
right-side 90deg right-side behind 90deg
left-side 270deg left-side behind 270deg
far-left 300deg far-left behind 240deg
left 320deg left behind 220deg
center-left 340deg center-left behind 200deg
For the direction value, you can choose from two constants: leftwards | rightwards. These settings shift the sound 20 degrees in the named direction.
Initial Value
H1 {azimuth: 45deg}
P.aside {azimuth: center-right behind}
Applies To
All elements.
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