<UL>NN all   IE all   HTML all
<UL>...</UL>End Tag: Required

The UL element is a container for an unordered list of items. An "unordered list" means that the items are rendered with a leading symbol (depending on the TYPE attribute setting or list-style-type style sheet attribute setting) that implies no specific order of items other than by virtue of location within the list. Content for each list item is defined by a nested LI element. If you apply a style sheet rule to a UL element, the style is inherited by the nested LI elements.

    <LI>North America
    <LI>South America
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID
COMPACTNN n/a   IE n/a   HTML 3.2

A Boolean attribute originally designed to let browsers render the list in a more compact style than normal (smaller line spacing between items). This attribute is not implemented in current browsers.

The presence of this attribute makes its value true.
Default false
TYPENN all   IE all   HTML 3.2

The TYPE attribute provides some flexibility in how the leading symbol or sequence number is displayed in the browser. You can specify whether the leading symbol should be a disc, circle, or square. A disc is a filled circle (also known as a bullet in some circles). The square type is rendered as an outline in Macintosh browsers; as a filled square in Windows. The TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of the list-style-type style sheet attribute.

<UL TYPE="disc">...</UL>
Possible values are circle | disc | square.
Default disc
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID.type
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