<HTML>NN all   IE all   HTML all
<HTML>...</HTML>End Tag: Optional

The HTML element is the container of the entire document content, including the HEAD element. Both the start and end tags are optional, but good style dictates the inclusion of both. Typically, the HTML element start tag is the second line of an HTML file, following the Document Type Definition (DTD) statement. If no DTD is provided in the file (it assumes the browser's default DTD), the HTML start tag becomes the first line of the file. The end tag should be in the last line of the file (but it does not have to stand on its own line).

TITLENN n/a   IE 4   HTML n/a

An advisory description of the element. In Internet Explorer 4, the title is rendered as a tooltip when the cursor rests anywhere in the document for a moment. TITLE attributes of other elements in the window override the attribute value set for the HTML element.

<HTML TITLE="It's a cool document!">...</HTML>
Any string of characters. The string must be inside a matching pair of (single or double) quotation marks.
Default None.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID.title
VERSIONNN n/a   IE n/a   HTML 3.2

The VERSION attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0 and was never adopted by the major browsers. Originally intended to specify the HTML DTD version supported by the document, this information is universally supplied in the separate DTD statement (in the !DOCTYPE element) above the HTML element in the document.

Any string of characters. The string must be inside a matching pair of (single or double) quotation marks.
Default None.
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