text-indentNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: Yes

Sets the size of indenting of the first line of a block of inline text (such as a P element). Only the first line is affected by this setting. A negative value can be used to outdent the first line, but be sure the text does not run beyond the left edge of the browser window or frame.

CSS Syntax
text-indent: length | percentage
JavaScript Equivalent
See the discussion about length values at the beginning of this chapter. Negative lengths may be allowed in some contexts, but be sure to test the results on all browsers. You may also specify a percentage value, which is calculated based on the width of the next outermost container.
Initial Value
BODY {text-indent: 2em}
P.firstGraphs {text-indent: 0}
Applies To
Block-level elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID.style.textIndent
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