text-decorationNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: No

Specifies additions to the text content of the element in the form of underlines, strikethroughs, overlines, and (in Navigator and CSS) blinking. You may specify more than one decoration style by supplying values in a space-delimited list. Although Internet Explorer 4 accepts the blink value, it does not blink the text. Navigator 4, on the other hand, does not recognize the overline decoration. Text decoration has an unusual parent-child relationship. Values are not inherited, but the effect of a decoration carries over to nested items. Therefore, unless otherwise overridden, an underlined P element underlines a nested B element within, for example.

CSS Syntax
text-decoration: decorationStyle | none
JavaScript Equivalent
In addition to none, any of the following four constants: blink | line-through | overline | underline. Navigator 4 does not observe the overline value.
Initial Value
DIV.highlight {text-decoration: underline}
Applies To
All elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID.style.textDecoration
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