positionNN 4   IE 4   CSS 2
 Inherited: No

Sets whether the element is positionable, and if so, what type of positionable element it is. The two primary types of positionable elements are set with values relative and absolute. See , for details and examples.

CSS Syntax
position: positionConstant
Browsers and the CSS standard recognize different sets of constant values for this attribute:
Value NN 4 IE 4 CSS2
absolute * * *
fixed - - *
normal - - *
relative * * *
static - * -
IE 4's static value is the same as CSS2's normal value: the element is rendered according to its regular inline behavior as an HTML element, generally meaning that any position-oriented attributes (such as top and left) are ignored by the browser.
Initial Value
static (IE 4); normal (CSS2); none (NN 4).
Applies To
You can apply the absolute value to: APPLET, DIV, EMBED, FIELDSET, HR, IFRAME, INPUT, MARQUEE, OBJECT, SPAN, TABLE, and TABLE elements. You can apply the relative value to most other block-level elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]document.all.elementID.style.position
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