padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-topNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: No

All four attributes set the padding width of a single side of an element. Padding is space that extends around the content box of an element up to but not including any border that may be specified for the element. Padding picks up the background image or color of its element. As you add padding to an element, you increase the size of the visible rectangle of the element without affecting the content block size.

CSS Syntax
padding-bottom: paddingThickness padding-left: paddingThickness padding-right: paddingThickness padding-top: paddingThickness
JavaScript Equivalent
Values for paddingThickness can be lengths or percentages of the next outermost container size.
Initial Value
BLOCKQUOTE {padding-left: 20; padding-top: 10}
#narrowCol {padding-left: 30%; padding-right: 30%}
Applies To
All elements (CSS and NN); BODY, CAPTION, DIV, IFRAME, MARQUEE, TABLE, TD, TEXTAREA, TR, and elements (IE).
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]