list-style-positionNN n/a   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: Yes

Determine whether the marker is inside or outside (outdented) from the box containing the list item's content. When the list-style-position is set to inside and the content is text, the marker appears to be part of the text block. In this case, the alignment (indent) of the list item is the same as normal, but without the outdented marker. Note that in Internet Explorer 4 for Macintosh, wrapped text lines extend all the way to the left margin of the UL or OL element.

CSS Syntax
list-style-position: inside | outside
Any of the constant values: inside | outside.
Initial Value
UL {list-style-position: inside}
Applies To
DD, DT, LI, OL, and UL elements and any other element assigned the display:list-item style attribute.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]
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