line-heightNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: Yes

Sets the height of the inline box (the box holding one physical line of content). Under normal circumstances, the line-height of the tallest font in a line of text or the tallest object governs the line height for that content line. In theory, you should be able to set the line-height of a block element and have that value apply to all content lines, regardless of the font face or font size specified for inline content.

In practice, both Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4 can experience line space rendering problems when the font-size of inline text is larger than the size of surrounding text. Not all lines of the outer block adhere to the block's line-height setting as expected (especially lines after the larger text segment). Moreover, in Navigator 4, the line-height attribute does not traverse more than one generation if the second generation element becomes a block-level element (such as a positioned or floated element). Test these settings extensively to make sure you get the look you desire.

CSS Syntax
line-height: normal | number | length | percentage
JavaScript Equivalent
A value of normal lets the browser calculate line spacing for the entire element, thus producing a computed value that can be inherited by nested elements. A number value (greater than zero) acts as a multiplier for the font-size of the current element. Therefore, if a nested element inherits the line-height multiplier from its parent, that multiplier is applied to the current element's font-size setting (the multiplier, not the computed value of the parent, is inherited). A length value assigns an actual value to the inline box height. And a percentage value is a multiplier applied to the font size of the current element. In this case, the computer value can be inherited by nested elements.
Initial Value
P {line-height: normal}       Browser default; actual value is  inheritable

P {line-height: 1.1}          Number value; the number value is inheritable

P {line-height: 1.1em}        Length value; the actual value is inheritable

P {line-height: 110%}         Percentage value; percentage times font size is inheritable
Applies To
All elements.
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]
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