bottomNN n/a   IE n/a   CSS 2
 Inherited: No

For positionable elements, defines the position of the bottom edge of an element content (exclusive of borders and margins) relative to the bottom edge of the next outermost block content container. When the element is absolute-positioned, the offset takes the place of a bottom margin setting for the element (although padding may still be set). When the element is relative-positioned, the offset is based on the bottom edge of the inline location of where the element would normally appear in the content.

CSS Syntax
bottom: length | percentage | auto
See the discussion about length values at the beginning of this chapter. Negative lengths may be allowed in some contexts, but be sure to test the results on all browsers. You may also specify a percentage value, which is calculated based on the height of the next outermost container. The setting of auto lets the browser determine the bottom offset of the element box on its naturally flowing offset within the containing box.
Initial Value
Applies To
All elements.
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