border-styleNN 4   IE 4   CSS 1
 Inherited: No

A shortcut attribute that lets you set multiple border edges to the same or different style. Navigator 4 allows only a single value, which applies to all four edges. For Internet Explorer (and the CSS specification), you may supply one to four space-delimited border style values. The number of values determines which sides receive the assigned colors.

CSS Syntax
border-style: borderStyle {1,4}
JavaScript Equivalent
Style values are constants that are associated with specific ways of rendering border lines. Not all browsers recognize all of the values in the CSS recommendation. Style support is as follows:
dashed - -* 1
dotted - -* 1
double 4 4 1
groove 4 4 1
hidden - - 2
inset 4 4 1
none 4 4 1
outset 4 4 1
ridge 4 4 1
solid 4 4 1
*Although not officially supported in Internet Explorer 4, the Mac version renders dashed and dotted borders accurately; the Windows version treats them as solid borders.

The precise manner in which browsers interpret the definitions of the style values is far from universal. Figure 10-1 showed a gallery of all styles as rendered by Windows and Macintosh versions of both Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4. Do not expect the exact same look in all browsers. For Navigator, you may apply one style value only. In Internet Explorer, this attribute accepts one, two, three, or four borderStyle values, depending on how many and which borders you want to set with specific styles. Value quantities and positions are interpreted as follows:

Number of Values Effect
1 All four borders set to value
2 Top and bottom borders set to the first value, right and left borders set to the second value
3 Top border set to first value, right and left borders set to second value, bottom border set to third value
4 Top, right, bottom, and left borders set, respectively
Initial Value
H1 {border-style: ridge; border-width: 3px}
DIV {border-style: solid double; border-width: 4px}
Applies To
All elements (CSS and NN); block and replaced elements (IE).
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]
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