border-bottom-color, border-left-color, border-right-color, border-top-color NN n/a   IE 4   CSS 2
  Inherited: No

Each attribute sets the color of a single border edge of an element. This power is easy to abuse by mixing colors that don't belong together. See also the border-color attribute for setting the color of multiple edges in one statement.

CSS Syntax
border-bottom-color: color border-left-color: color border-right-color: color border-top-color: color
Initial Value
P {border-bottom-color: gray}
DIV {border-left-color: #33c088}
P.special {border-right-color: rgb(150, 75, 0)}
H3 {border-top-color: rgb(100%, 50%, 21%)}
Applies To
All elements (CSS); block and replaced elements (IE).
Object Model Reference
IE [window.]